Publiceringsdatum: 2025-03-06
Har du övervägt att arbeta inom kultur, media, design-branschen? Nu har du chansen att börja jobba som game designer/speldesigner hos IO Interactive AB. Vill du arbeta heltid hos IO Interactive AB? Just nu letar de efter någon som vill ha en tjänst tills vidare.
Malmö är platsen där denna position är ledig. Om du tycker att det låter intressant att börja jobba hos IO Interactive AB i rollen som game designer/speldesigner så har de just nu en ledig tjänst som skulle kunna vara en perfekt match för dig! Har du vad som krävs för att arbeta som game designer/speldesigner hos IO Interactive AB? Ansök innan lördag den tjugotredje augusti 2025 och ta reda på det!
IO Interactive is currently looking for a Senior UI Designer to join Project 007, a brand-new James Bond video game to be developed and published by IOI. Featuring a wholly original Bond story, players will step into the shoes of the world's favourite Secret Agent to earn their 00 status in the very first James Bond origin story.
This is a permanent position based in one of our studios, with the option to work from home up to two days per week.
What you will do:
Who you are:
IO Interactive is an independent videogame development and publishing company with studios in Copenhagen, Malmö, Barcelona, Istanbul and Brighton. As the creative force behind some of the most talked-about multiplatform video games in the last decade, we are committed to creating unforgettable characters and experiences – all powered by our award-winning, proprietary Glacier technology.
We know that to achieve those goals, we need courage, talented people and a great working environment – and we do our utmost to have all of that. Across our multiple studios, we’re working on several projects. Crucially though, we’re all one team. We value the work and impact that each person brings to the table and we actively encourage new ideas, whilst listening to your insights along the way.
We have a dedicated team of People Managers, who look after you as an individual and as an employee. With more than 40 nationalities, we know that everyone is different and we are proud to have a reputation for being a friendly workplace with highly-talent people.
" rel="nofollow" target="_BLANK">"> Learn more about Project 007.
Antal tjänster | 1 |
Arbetstid | Heltid |
Företagsnamn | IO Interactive AB |
Lön | Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön |
Omfattning | Tills vidare |
Organisationsnummer | 5591836787 |
Typ av anställning | Vanlig anställning |
Yrke | Game designer/Speldesigner |
Yrkesområde | Kultur, media, design |
IO Interactive AB söker en person till denna tjänst som game designer/speldesigner med placerings i Malmö. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som game designer/speldesigner hos IO Interactive AB skickar du in din ansökan senast 2025-08-23.
Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen
IO Interactive AB söker en person till tjänsten som användbarhetsdesigner i Malmö.
Mer infoDigitalenta AB söker en person till tjänsten som designer i Malmö.
Mer infoIO Interactive AB söker en person till tjänsten som game designer/speldesigner i Malmö.
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