Work as a street fundraiser for Red Cross in Malmö and save lives!

Publiceringsdatum: 2025-03-21

Letar du efter ett jobb inom försäljning, inköp, marknadsföring? Positionen som utesäljare hos Svenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse är öppen och väntar på en lämplig kandidat - kan det vara du? Om du vill arbeta heltid hos Svenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse, har de just nu en tjänst 6 månader eller längre som kan passa dig.

Malmö är platsen där denna position är ledig. Om du är intresserad av en karriär inom utesäljare, ta en titt på de två lediga tjänsterna som Svenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse erbjuder för att se om det är en matchning. Söker du efter en spännande karriär som utesäljare? Sök jobbet hos Svenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse senast måndag den tjugoförsta april 2025 och bli en del av deras team.


Become part of the world's largest humanitarian movement

Work as a face-to-face fundraiser for Swedish Red Cross (Svenska Röda Korset) in our Malmö team where you convince people to become monthly donors to Red Cross and thereby help us to spread hope around the world!

Swedish Red Cross is looking for committed people for one of the most rewarding jobs available. If you want to work with humanitarian issues, then you have come to the right place!

We are looking for individuals, who have a passion for making a difference by debating and engaging others to draw attention to wars, crises, and disasters around the world.

In your job as a fundraiser for Swedish Red Cross, you get the opportunity to make a change. As part of a fundraising team, you will represent our movement and ensure that more people hear about and support our work. Here is your chance to talk about something you are passionate about.

We offer you to

  • Develop and make a difference within one of the largest humanitarian organizations
  • Earn a fixed hourly wage with secure combined with stable working conditions
  • Work together with fantastic colleagues who are committed to their work
  • Get the opportunity to talk to our Swedish Red Cross experts and field workers
  • Receive a full and thorough introduction with follow-up training (including first aid)
  • Develop your sales technique, communication skills and recruitment methods
  • Take your first steps into Swedish employment in a supportive environment, knowing that as you do so you are helping people around the world
  • A flexible job (full- or part-time) with the possibility of permanent employment after six months

If you are:

  • Good at engaging and convincing people
  • Enjoying working outdoors in all weathers
  • Open, social, and positive
  • Performance-minded
  • Passionate about humanitarian issues and share Red Cross values
  • Open to traveling to places near Malmö
  • Have reached the age of 18 years

Then you are welcome to apply for Red Cross fundraising team.

Practical information

  • Scope: 3-5 days per week (according to your wishes)
  • Working days and hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10.45am - 5.15pm
  • Place of work: Malmö and its surroundings
  • Desired start: April / May 2025
  • Salary: 136 kr per hour
  • Form of employment: Probationary period with possibility of permanent employment after six months

Recruitment is ongoing, so apply as soon as possible.

Please answer the mandatory questions that follow since we will base our evaluation on your answers. Submission of a CV is voluntary.

You can make a difference daily through your work both in Sweden and in the rest of the world! Become part of the world's largest humanitarian network and apply today!

Om jobbet

Antal tjänster2
FöretagsnamnSvenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse
LönFast månads- vecko- eller timlön
Omfattning6 månader eller längre
Typ av anställningVanlig anställning
YrkesområdeFörsäljning, inköp, marknadsföring


Svenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse söker två personer till denna tjänst som utesäljare med placerings i Malmö. Om det låter intressant att arbeta som utesäljare hos Svenska Röda Korsets Centralstyrelse skickar du in din ansökan senast 2025-04-21.

Källa: Arbetsförmedlingen

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